Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis of relationship problems, identity crises, neuroses, depression, anxiety, personality disorders.
Neurobiology has made us understand that the structure of the brain is created in constant interaction with the environment. Mainly our relationships are defining who we become and who we are. New experiences are always perceived through the filter of our previous experiences. Yet pour brain remains flexible to change throughout our lives. Unresolved conflicts and traumatic experiences can permanently remain engraved in the psychic structure and thus can cause psychological problems. This is where psychoanalysis and psychotherapy can help. Clarification of conflicts leads to overcoming them. At the same time they provide new emotional experience to replace former trauma. Old undigested emotions and the symptoms they create can thus be overcome.
Hans-Otto Thomashoff, MD, PhD, lives and works in Vienna as psychiatrist and psychoanalyst (Vienna Psychoanalytic Society). Based on his PhD in art history he specializes in psychodynamic approaches for the understanding of art. He is an honorary member of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), president of the WPA section on Art and Psychiatry, chair of WADP Austria, member of the supervisory board of the Sigmund Freud Privatstiftung, curator of art exhibitions (“Psyche and Art” and others), translator of psychoanalytic literature as well as writer of non fiction books on integrating brain research and psychoanalysis, member of P.E.N. international.
Lectures (Selection)
- Versuchung des Bösen
- Ich suchte das Glück und fand die Zufriedenheit
- Roots of Creativity
- Psychodynamic Functions of Art
- Psyche and Art
- Antistigma Why and How
- Basics fort he Therapeutic Use of Art
- How the Psyche creates Art
- Ernst Ludwig Kirchner – Narcissism, Art and Suicide
- Notes on the History of Art and Psychiatry
- Art and Narcissism
- Art and Psychiatry
- Ernst Ludwig Kirchner: Traces of his Psyche reflected in his words and art
- How to overcome Stigma through Art
- Psychoanalytical Basics for Art therapy
- If we construct the World, Tolerance is the Consequence
- Art in the Brain
- Art as a Product of Thinking
- Die Wurzeln menschlicher Aggression
- Religion and Psychoanalysis
- Psychodynamische Ursachen des Terrorismus
- The Role of Mothers in Human Evolution
- Brain and Society
- Ohne Hirn keine Kunst
- Roots of Human Aggression
- Gehirn und Gesellschaft: Wie entkommen wir der Aggresssionspirale
- Aggression in the Modern World
- How the Brain creates Art and Dreams
- Die Rolle von Traumen für die Politik: Warum Krieg und Terror sich immer wieder neu erzeugen
- Warum Krieg? – Trieb oder Trauma?
- Gehirn und Gesellschaft – Die prinzipielle Freiheit der kulturellen Evolution
- Brain and Society – The principal Freedom of cultural Evolution
- Verhalten versus Anlage am Beispiel der Aggression: “Was kann die Psychotherapie?”
- Macht Glück zufrieden?
- Alternativen zum Suchtverhalten: Lebensgestaltung für ein zufriedenes Gehirn
The lectures were given in: Vienna, Linz, Graz, Berlin, Hamburg, Freiburg, Tübingen, Bad Waldsee, Madrid, Granada, Athens, Prague, Belgrade, Lyon, Florence, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Riga, Istanbul, Cairo, Nairobi, New York, Tokio, Yokohama, Buenos Aires, Medellin, Guayaquil, Caracas
Articles (Selection)
- Kunst und Psyche, in: Psychopraxis, Wien (Springer) 7/2000
- Transcultural Perspectives of Art, in: International Journal of Art Therapy, St.Petersburg 4/2001
- Psyche and Art, in: Christodoulou G.: Advances in Psychiarty, Athen (Beta) 2002
- Art and Narcissism, in: Christodoulou G.: Advances in Psychiarty II, Athen (Beta) 2005
- Alles nur Show? – Therapeuten auf und hinter der Kongressbühne, in: Kernberg, Dulz, Eckert: Wir: Psychotherapeuten, Stuttgart (Schattauer) 2002
- Ernst Ludwig Kirchner – Spuren des Narzissmus in seinem Werk, in: Boehlke, E. et al.: Zeit und Vergänglichkeit, Berlin (edition GIB) 2008
- Ohne Hirn keine Kunst – Neurowissenschaftliche Ansätze zum Kunstverständnis, in: Spitzer, M.: Hirnforschung für Neu(ro)gierige, Stuttgart (Schattauer) 2009
- Aggression läuft Amok, in: Ärztliche Praxis Neurologie Psychiatrie, 6/Juni 2009
- Psychodynamische Überlegungen zu Polarisierern in der Politik, in: PTT – Persönlichkeitsstörungen Theorie und Therapie, Heft 4/09
- Neurobiologisch fundierte Ansätze zur Überwindung pathologischer menschlicher Aggression, in: ISPPM Zeitschrift November 2009
- Überlegungen zur Kunsttherapie von Psychosen, in: Majer, Niederreiter, Staroszynski: Kunstbasierte Zugänge zur Kunsttherapie: Potentiale der Bildenden Kunst für die kunsttherapeutische Theorie und Praxis 2015
- How the Brain creates Literature, in: The International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, v1 n1 (201104): 149-151, 2016
- Since 2001 Co-Editor of the International Journal of Art Therapy, St.Petersburg